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D I S A S T E R   R E L I E F

When disaster strikes, we feel called to bring the hope of Jesus through chaplaincy outreach and aid however the Lord leads.


W E S T E R N   N O R T H.  C A R O L I N A

Just days after Hurricane Helene ravaged Western North Carolina, we headed to the mountains. Our first stop was Lansing, NC where we worked with the local Fire Department to help set up a supply distribution center.

The amount of damage is truly hard to comprehend and the stories we heard were heartbreaking. It was an honor to be there to serve and pray with people and to see the incredible outpouring from all across the nation.

Next, we spent a weekend helping to coordinate a search and rescue team utilizing dog teams. As so many people from all over the country came flooding in to help, we worked to help people get connected to organizations to best use their skills. Amazing friendships were formed and God connected our hearts with Asheville 1st Nazarene Church. Much of the funding we have received has gone into bringing supplies for their distribution center. We see Jesus working through them! As we have worked alongside their volunteers, we have prayed with people who have gone through heartbreaking trauma. Some have lost homes, many have lost jobs, and hardest of all, others have lost friends and family members.  

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We worked with and provided supplies for distribution centers in Marion, Marshall, and Old Fort in addition to Asheville. We will continue to conduct outreach and work in these areas with the nonprofits we have developed relationships with in the future as recovery in these hard hit areas is far from complete.

The majority of the funding we have received for WNC has gone to supplies for distribution centers. We also provided SAT phones and supplies for search and rescue dog teams as cell towers were not functional. We provided meals for volunteers and those coming to receive help, we sponsored Christmas for a family in Asheville as well as a family in Old Fort, and we helped to find sponsors for additional families in need. We also gave funds to be used for grants for those who have lost jobs and are unable to pay utilities, etc.

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